Wasted visits

Thursday, 23 May 2013

21st May 2013 - Church Minshull to Northwich

Our overnight mooring was even more pretty in the morning.  It was so far out in the sticks that I could count the roof tops of only two houses in a full 360 degree view.  How often can you do that in the middle of England?

As we approached Middlewich there was more and more habitation.  We were soon off the Shropshire Union and onto the Wardle Canal.  Er... the shortest canal in the country only 154ft long constructed because the Shropshire Union and Trent and Mersey Canal companies did not trust one another to control their junction.

Stopped in Middlewich to top up with water and Annie to top up with our shopping.  Met a couple at Middlewich 'Big Lock' with a shiny new very expensive paint job on their boat.  They were trying to keep their boat in the middle of the lock so it didnt touch the sides and get scratched.  Hah! Dont they know narrowboating is a contact sport?

Northwich is a salt mining area and large areas of old settlement resulting from mining subsidence have created 'flashes' - large man made lakes.  The guide book says its best to stay out of them as they are shallow and filled with sunken boats....

Got within striking distance of the Anderton Boat lift before mooring up at bridge 192 to the north of Northwich.
Wardle Canal

Junction with the Trent & Mersey Canal

Square accommodation bridges on this section of canal rather than the nice round ones.

A Flash.  Wide.....

Fluffy cygnet

The flashes are the graveyard of many sunken boats.... basically dont venture into them.

Dantes Inferno.  Quite interesting actually!

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