Wasted visits


Wednesday, 15 May 2013

15th May 2013 - Chester to Backford

As John and Jess left us last night it was raining hard. (Hope you didn't get too wet guys!)  But after we went to bed it was hard to get to sleep with the sound of heavy rain on the roof.  The wind got up too and the boat started banging against the wharf.  As we were on pins, not rings, movement is not a good thing.  Each time the boat moves forward and back it pulls against the pins, with the surrounding ground now saturated with water.  The movement got so bad that at 4.30am we both had to get dressed and re-moor the boat as the pins were right out.

With the rain stopped later in the morning, Annie did the shop, whilst I caught up with the blog - now 5 days out of date (shock-horror!)

Lots of Police appeared to seal off the towpath next to the boat during the morning, which was interesting.  It transpired that a retaining wall a bit further along had collapsed and they were waiting for Engineers to assess it.  The felt sorry for the bobby stationed next to us to turn people around, so made him a cuppa and heard about his 'illness' UAS - Ukulele acquisition syndrome. 

After lunch we set off once more towards Ellesmere Port.  Had fun going down the Northgate Staircase which has huge chambers and really makes you think - not good after an interrupted nights sleep!  North of Chester and into the Wirral the canal scenery resumes being drop-dead gorgeous.  Decided to stop for the evening while we were still out in the country before we got into the industrial bits around Ellesmere Port.  Needed some wood as its chilly so cut a tree down.
Council, C&RT and Police all scratching heads at the collapse.  Blocked weep holes guys! rebuild with decent filter media and new drain holes, it will be fine!
Telford Wharf on the way out of Chester
Tonights moorings

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