God bless the English weather! The continuous rain of February and March have left the Thames full of water. Most of the locks have been red-boarded which means we cant move! Sadly we have had to say goodbye to our hopes of cruising the Basingstoke Canal for its re-opening. Fortunately however the Canal Authority have allowed us to 'bank' our licence fee to use later in the year.
Ruth helming..... |
Annie, Jess and I arrived at the marina and moved on to the boat on Thursday. Spent the first 2 days setting the boat up - changed the engine oil and cleaned the fuel filters. Today (Saturday) we entertained Ruth and Margaret for the day on board to celebrate what would have been Annie's Mums birthday. We just poodled down to Aldermaston lock and had lunch there, before returning to the marina.
We are paid up at the marina until the end of the month - which means we have to be off tomorrow!
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