Entrance to the Ashby Canal off the Coventry Canal |
After exchanging contact details with Alan & Di, set off northwards on the Coventry canal. After only 30 minutes we came to the junction with the Ashby canal - this is a *very* sharp right - more a 3 point turn. We quickly found the Ashby a very different canal from those we had traveled along so far. No locks at all is the main difference and also very shallow. It is another 'contour canal' with sudden sharp bends, usually obscured by trees. There is little traffic along it and when you do find something coming the other way, it is always in the middle of a bend, usually coming at you under a bridge. You cant slow down for every blind bend on the off chance something might be coming - it takes too long. You develop therefore a kamikaze approach. Full speed into blind bends and bridges, knowing that statistically you are likely to be fine. Problems come when in the middle of the bend a boat appears.... now right on top of you. With luck, lightening reflexes throw the boat into full reverse and you scream to a stop inches from the other boat (they meanwhile have been doing the same). Both boats pass one another and we wave and shout"lovely morning", "Yes, isnt it!" they reply noone giving any indication that everything has not always been fully under control and two 15 ton boats had not almost crashed head on. As soon as they are passed, hand goes to throttle and up goes the speed again.
We had planned to visit Annie's Aunt in Hinckley but we had some difficulty finding moorings - the edges are so shallow, when we stop we are so far out from the side, the plank wont reach the bank. Eventually we moored up, got the bikes out and cycled across the fields to Aunty Win's just beating a monsoon downpour by the skin of our teeth. Cup of tea and arrangements made to take her with us for a days boating tomorrow.
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