We now have the car with us and will be moving it as we move the boat. Annie collected a new hatch cover for the RS Vision from the parcel office. After breakfast we set off for Fleet Wharf - the simplest and shortest of journeys BUT.... After carefully negotiating the very low Pondtail bridge we came upon a tree leaning across the canal at 45 degrees. A
We carefully sawed the worst branches and moved through very carefully - I was concerned the tree might fall all the way - which it did a few hours later. Reading Road bridge is even lower and we inched up to it - but it was just too low, even with David Millen on board who was jogging by. We pulled over for a cup of tea and scratch our heads, when another boat came up behind us - the first we had seen going in our direction. The crew hopped off their boat and onto our bow, and between the lot of us got it under the bridge with nothing to spare.
We spent the afternoon moored at Reading Road Wharf, but moved to the Fox & Hounds when we realised it was Saturday night and likely to be noisy. Out of the frying pan and into the fire as a late night party was going on at the F&H.
Tree down |
Safely at Fleet Wharf at last |